A Look at What May be Causing Your Back Pain

Back pain is one of those afflictions that affect millions of people, some more severely than others. Even the most fit individuals among us can be subject to a backache from time to time. The most common back pain is just a temporary condition. However, severe cases can last a long time and require medical intervention. In this article we'll be looking at some of the main causes of back pain.

If you sit at a desk or computer, or anywhere, for a long time without moving around, you might be subject to back pain. Moreover, the chair in which you are sitting, even if it isn't comfortable, isn't necessarily the problem. Just sitting too long can cause back problems. The fact is, sitting down puts a lot more pressure on your back than standing or walking. This explains why so many people who work in offices suffer from back pain. Some people, following the example of author Philip Roth, place their computers on a high surface such as a lectern or counter-top and work there Many companies now offer their employees desks that can be used either standing or sitting. There's also the fact that your health and well-being will be improved if you spend more time moving around and standing than if you are seated. This has been proven by research. If it isn't possible for you to work standing up, at least part of the time, make it a point to get up frequently from your chair and do some type of movements. Something simple, such as standing up and stretching, or going for a five-minute walk, can make a big difference in the pressure your back is subjected to by sitting too long. One frequent
cause of back pain is a spinal injury or fracture. Your bone density decreases with age and this condition is called osteoporosis. This is the main reason for spinal fractures. Osteoporosis can strike both men and women as they age; go to the website however, more women are susceptible to this condition than men. The decrease in the bone mass causes the bones to become thinner and more brittle. This makes it easier for the bones to become damaged. A check this site out very painful condition exists when you sustain an injury that causes your bones to collapse. Many times this also leads to spinal deformation. Your doctor may give you a prescription to relieve the pain, but this just treats the symptoms, not the root cause. At times, surgery may be necessary to keep the bones that have fractured in place. Research has proven that if you participate in a regular exercise program and eat a healthy diet osteoporosis can be reduced. This will help protect your spine from fractures.

Back pain can be an indicator of a more serious problem that concerns the kidneys. Due to the fact that your kidneys are near your lower back, if Discover More Here you develop a kidney infection, kidney stones, or other kidney problems, you may suffer from low back pain. The pains in your lower back will, normally, also extend around to your lower abdomen and you may have pain upon urination as well. Don't waste any time making an appointment with your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms. Your medical provider can give you a urinalysis test and other tests, such as an ultrasound. These can help him or her determine if you have a kidney problem. Lower back pain by itself isn't usually a sign of kidney trouble, but if you have any suspicion that this might be the case, it's best to be safe and have it checked. Simply speaking, many different things can strain your spine causing back pain to occur. Medical issues can often be the catalyst for back injuries that are hard to diagnose or fix. By seeking medical attention, specifically from your family doctor, you can potentially find out why you are hurting. After you know what's wrong, do what you can to fix it and make sure that it does not get worse.

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